Jos & Yuehua's

Jos van Wolput

I am a retired spectroscopist from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis of the
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
I mainly worked on the characterization of zeolite (such as ZSM-5, Silicalite) and cobalt phthalocyanine catalysts by FTIR and ESR spectroscopy.
View me at the FTIR Lab !

Previously research assistant at the department of Applied Physics of the TU Eindhoven
where I did some ESR measurements on the polymerization of liquid selenium and attended a course on Algol and Fortran programming languages.
Also a former physics teacher at the Eindhoven College of Technology, now Fontys University of Professional Education.
Previously physicist at Philips Lighting Discharge Lamps Development Lab in Eindhoven
where I worked on mercury vapour halogen discharge lamps with increased radiation in the near UV suitable for use in photo-copying
or for the manufacture of caprolactam, which is a starting product of nylon.

I graduated in Experimental Physics at K.U.Leuven University on the subject 'Magneto-optic effect and ferromagnetic domains in thin FeNi layers'.

Jin Yuehua 金月花

I am a former primary school teacher from Hangzhou, China.

Some pictures...

Here we are ...and here at my retirement party.
